Augmented Reality Prison ID App - Augmented RealiTease
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Prison ID

25 Years of Digital

The wave of augmented reality development in the world of custom mobile software is an indication of its benefits, and DDA is well placed to implement innovative ideas with maximum function and market impact. Augmented reality is a uniquely immersive 3D computer interface that will effectively replace the desktop interface commonly used across the world. As the widespread availability of the smartphone, tablet, and hands-free device becomes ubiquitous, the time for new AR applications across

the entire spectrum of software development has never been more opportune. Many industries will be able to make use of the formidable facial recognition capabilities of AR, as well as its informational real time capacity to immerse users into an informational context, especially where this information is of vital security value. The prison and correctional industry is one such example where AR applications will enable security people to have access to information when and where they need it.


With prison populations on the rise, and with differing levels of security, new tools that can advance security's ability to proactively prevent disturbances in the daily routine of prison life are of critical value. Detailed database information can be updated and linked to a security guard, warden, or some other correctional official. For any personnel that need to interface with inmates, this data can be the difference between a dangerous dispute or a quickly resolved issue.


From training, to counseling, to all sorts of security details, Prison ID is a development project that is poised to become a valuable tool in the effort to keep correctional facilities calm and trouble free. Combining facial recognition with real time information delivery in a seamless 3D interface will make response times quicker and improve safety standards for all concerned.


The Prison ID application can be accessed with any mobile device. In a hands-free situation, a guard can walk through an area and scan the people he encounters through his beat. Each one can have a set of floating text that appears as if it is stationed within the viewer's unique perspective, and shifts to adjust to the viewer's changing movement. People with a history of disturbances, or recent disputes with others can be detected, as well as clusters of problematic associates. Preemptive methods with detailed information can become a seamless part of the job, and act as an indispensable guide through a potentially dangerous landscape.

As experienced software developers, Augmented RealiTease would be pleased to guide you through the new features of the augmented reality landscape. Augmented RealiTease developed its first AR project in 2009, and is fully prepared to introduce innovative AR concepts into this exciting and rapidly developing market. The Augmented RealiTease facilitoes are located just outside Philadelphia, and the company maintains one of the most extensive skill sets in the industry. Augmented RealiTease does all of its work in house, providing every aspect of the project with our own team of talented, highly seasoned staff. Keeping all of work in house enables direct control every aspect of its production, keeping costs low, and ensuring a seamless experience for the end user. Whether it includes database development, graphic design, eLearning portals with certification capabilities, video, or more, Augmented RealiTease is up to the challenge and strives to exceed client expiations with each and every project. If you would like to discuss the potential of Prison ID with us, or if you have other AR ideas you wish to implement, please don't hesitate to contact us today.

Augmented Reality Concepts by DDA

Making Reality Cooler, Better, Smarter


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