Corporate Training AR App - Augmented RealiTease
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Corporate Training

25 Years of Digital

Augmented reality opens up a whole new dimension of experiential marketing and application development. By using their smartphones, users can easily access immersive experiences for 'hands-on' corporate training of unprecedented vividness and authenticity. Intersecting real world environments with virtual tools and settings allows corporate trainees to orient themselves to the environment the expectations and the highly specific operational requirements in their new position. With the advent of augmented reality, a corporation can provide an immersive experience that quickly places staff into a real world environment, complete with the equipment, operations, and procedures needed to perform the work to the company standards. With real time assessment of tasks, employers can make adjustments and comments in real time during training, and trainees can also track their performance over time.

Corporate training often requires the mastery of complex concepts and exceptional recall of detail across a spectrum of disciplines, often with manual dexterity and procedural, step-by-step tasks. Effective teaching of these associated skills requires the most vivid simulations for maximum impact and retention. One of the principle challenges in the corporate process remains the removal of risk in the handling of sensitive and expensive equipment while providing as realistic an experience for the trainee as possible. Augmented reality is a dramatic new development in VR technology that can address this need with greater engagement and less risk than any other method.

Because Apple's ARKit's augmented reality is designed for interactivity, layers of textual information can be dropped onto a student's viewpoint in a set of corporate scenarios. Client/trainee scenarios can be simulated, as well as situations where specialized technology and equipment is used. Audio comments from instructors or team members can be delivered in real time. Performance can be tracked, studied, and evaluated for grades and certifications.

Included into a comprehensive program of different corporate procedures, employees will absorb a large amount of information in its most effective combination, gather an overall orientation of the associated tasks required of corporate professionals, and attain a higher degree of hands-on familiarity of the information without the associated risks normally encountered with traditional on the job training models. Trainees can go through specific tasks with equipment with on-screen graphics and texts prompting each step for hands-on instruction without the need of an in-person trainer. Procedural information can be demonstrated with a 3D trainer avatar for the student to duplicate.

As an award-winning developer of mobile applications, Augmented RealiTease is experienced with the successful implementation of innovative ideas in the experiential marketing landscape. The Augmented RealiTease production facility is staffed with on-site full-time, fully degreed professionals who can take on any mobile application development challenge. Using an integrated, vertically integrated skill set, Augmented RealiTease can provide advanced mobile application computer software programming, database development, custom eLearning, professional graphic design, 3D computer modeling, aerial drone video, virtual reality, 360-degree video, and more. Learn how augmented reality can help you develop more impactful and cost-effective corporate training. Contact Augmented RealiTease today.

Augmented Reality Concepts by DDA

Making Reality Cooler, Better, Smarter


Health Care | Education | Automotive | Industrial | Corporate Training | Sports
Entertainment | Equipment Operation | Travel | Transportation | Lifestyle | Internet of Things
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