LA28 Olympics AR Pin App - Augmented RealiTease

LA28 Olympics AR Pin App

25 Years of Digital

It has never been a better time to develop AR applications than now. Google Android™ and Apple iPhone® offer increased AR capabilities from their additional camera lenses to more robust native software, putting the increased excitement of augmented reality into reach for more consumers than ever before. DDA, a long-time leader in interactive digital multimedia technologies, is focused on bringing AR to the masses and putting this sophisticated technology in reach for more businesses and organizations.

The LA28 Olympics AR pin app was designed and developed by DDA in anticipation for the upcoming Olympics Los Angeles, California. The AR app offers a key differentiator to the pin developer by adding interactivity to its exclusively licensed Olympic pins, adding value to both casual consumers and collectors alike with its historic and innovative embrace of AR technology to enhance the Olympics brand. With the new AR app, the Olympics shows its ability to connect with the tech-savvy youth that expect rich multimedia content and interactivity from all their products and services.


The pin designers boast exclusive licensing rights to create original pin designs for both the FIFA World Cup as well as the Olympics. With excitement already building for the 2028 Olympic to be held in Los Angeles, California, they wanted to distinguish their pins as leading in innovation among collectors and thus capture the valuable youth market and thus the future.


The Olympic pin designers were initially interested in developing a native AR app for the LA28 pin. After consultation with DDA, it was concluded that a web-based app would offer greater cross-device compatibility and scalability at reduced cost, while simplifying the user experience by removing the need for a download from an app store. With the web-based AR app, users simply scan the QR code that comes with the pin to initiate the app. Once on the online platform, users are able to work with the AR app just as they would with a native application. The web-based AR app will allow for adding AR capabilities to future pins at much lower cost than would be necessary for separate native app design, and also eliminates redundancy caused by the multiple app store review and publication processes that would be necessary if any updates to the AR apps were initiated in the future. Furthermore, once the web-based application is updated, it is automatically distributed to all its online users, without the need for a secondary download process. And most importantly, using the web-based app means that the application benefits from all the future enhancements to the baseline AR app functionality, allowing DDA and the pin manufacturer to explore new ways to enhance the user experience as software and hardware technologies improve, in addition to improving performance on the existing core AR features.


The LA28 Olympic pin comes in a custom designed folded card package, which includes a custom QR code that directs users to the online AR app. Once there, users center the pin in the target box in their smartphone camera view so the pin can be scanned and recognized based on its design. Then, the user sees the LA28 logo come to life with official animated graphics, with the A demonstrating a graffiti-like design being emblazoned on the pin in real time.

After the graffiti animation loops three times, the app moves the user to the AR graphics filter. There, the user positions a life-sized 3D model of the LA28 pin next to a landmark or individual in their camera’s view. Once positioned, users press a button to remove the interface graphics and stage the screen for a photo with the life-sized AR graphic, using their screen capture to get the final photo image. This AR-enhanced photo can then be easily shared by the user on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other social media, even including a direct link to the online AR app so friends may stop by and view the pin themselves using the custom AR app.

Founded in 1994, DDA is a time-tested leader in interactive multimedia of all kinds. DDA’s first AR project was undertaken in 2009, and now with the ARCore and ARKit AR development platforms for Android and Apple mobile devices becoming available, along with the computing power and hardware capabilities of popular smartphones continuing to increase, DDA is committed to leveraging the power and potential of AR to engage audiences and enhance experiences. DDA is also embarking on the use of AR in training, currently working on a cutting edge medical device trianing platform for a globally recognized medical device manufacturer. AR will make for original medical training that is immersive and engaging like never before, allowing for users to learn skills in real time while working with actual devices in real-world environments through the guidance of an AR eLearning training app. With programmers, designers, videographers, animators, multimedia specialists, and more among its staff, DDA offers broad and deep capabilities in both creative and technical disciplines, facilitating the creation of groundbreaking custom new interactive applications like the LA28 Olympic AR Pin app that make companies and organizations of all kinds distinguish themselves as leaders in their fields.

Learn how you can advance the state of the art in your organization. Make a name for yourself; make it with DDA. Contact AugmentedRealiTease today.

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