AR Herbalist App - Augmented RealiTease
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AR Herbalist App

25 Years of Digital

Augmented reality is starting to make a significant impact on how we interact with the world around us, with interactive features that can enhance and enrich many types of activities. As the next generation of mobile applications, augmented reality takes virtual reality one step further. By using virtual graphics and superimposing it directly onto your unique perspective, augmented reality uses a camera as the source of the interface. Now that both Apple and Android have introduced their respective AR development platforms, anyone with a smartphone or tablet can have access to cutting-edge augmented reality apps.

The widespread availability of web-based AR increases the feasibility of software innovation for augmented reality apps, and Augmented RealiTease has responded with a number of concepts for immediate development and implementation. Augmented RealiTease is an award-winning interactive multimedia developer with a focus on the design and development of augmented reality applications, and AR Herbalist is an app concept that can be used by both professional and prospective herbalists across the country.


Herbalism is a time honored activity, one that freely combines science with nutrition, cuisine, and medicine. The attitude towards naturopathic and homeopathic solution for common ailments, or simply for an enhanced lifestyle that includes more natural and more healthy choices, has grown in recent years. AR Herbalist can add a vital tool for both hobbyists and more serious practitioners in the pursuit of a more informed and more developed interest and expertise. AR Herbalist celebrates the craft of creating tinctures and solutions from local fresh and freely available resources, and develops a user's skills in an immersive and interactive format.


AR Herbalist has the potential to be used by hobbyists and professionals, and to attract a whole new generation of designers to this time honored art. Once established, AR Herbalist could be used to provide a platform for sharing ideas, and to develop the community worldwide.

While native AR apps are widely popular, it may also be worth considering the benefits provided by a web-based AR solution. Web-based AR can reduce initial development costs with convenient access for the user from any mobile device's browser, one that requires no additional software download, enabling increased access for developers and users alike. A web-based AR solution offers all the immersive interactive qualities of native AR apps. By shifting access to an online platform, development costs are reduced and faster, easier access from smartphones and tablets are achieved. Web-based AR is more easily scaled, because new app content can be added to and updated without republishing the app.


An AR tool designed specifically for the herbalist, a user can scan an environment to find a host of native herbs that would otherwise go undiscovered. Floating labels can add detailed information, including recommended uses, procedures for special preparations, combinations with other herbs and tinctures, and more to enhance the hobby and advance the art.

Because augmented reality excels in situations where virtual graphics can be used to augment a physical setting, an app developed for the training of an herbalist will supply virtual graphics to provide on-site support to the process. Advice can be offered for contrasting or complementary ingredients, and provide a wealth of knowledge as one is working directly in the landscape.

About Augmented RealiTease

DDA is a full-service interactive multimedia developer that has made important and original contributions to virtually all forms of digital interactive multimedia design and development. In response to the widespread interest in augmented reality, they formed Augmented RealiTease to focus on the design and development of augmented reality apps. Augmented RealiTease's team of seasoned designers, programmers, and multimedia specialists are ready to meet the challenge, with deep experience in the creation of cutting edge software, and a long list of satisfied clients.

Augmented RealiTease employs one of the most comprehensive skill sets of any software developer anywhere, and is capable of addressing every aspect of the project in house, without the use of third party subcontractors. Excellent quality control ensures that all project components are fully integrated, making for a seamless and effective end user experience across all platforms and for every device. To learn more about augmented reality and AR Herbalist, contact Augmented RealiTease today and be apart of this exciting new future.

Augmented Reality Concepts by DDA

Making Reality Cooler, Better, Smarter


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